Vendor Overview

Liquidware™ provides industry leading platform-agnostic desktop solutions for hybrid Windows desktop environments including Citrix® XenApp/XenDesktop, VMware Horizon View®, Amazon WorkSpaces, and physical Microsoft® Windows PCs. Stratusphere™ UX products deliver visibility into desktop environments and support assessment, design, monitoring and diagnostics (Health Checks).
ProfileUnity provides just in time delivery of User Profiles, application and user rights management and context-aware policies. ProfileUnity’s FlexApp feature delivers advanced Application Layering. The solutions are available in an extremely cost-effectively priced bundle called Liquidware Essentials. Liquidware products are Citrix Ready, have been VMware-certified, and are available through a global network of partners.

Contact Information

 +44 1635 225522

Proven Desktop Transformation & Management Solutions

Liquidware’s desktop transformation suite of solutions opens the door to new opportunities for channel partners by elevating their expertise in a cutting-edge emerging technology, driving new business and revenue and lowering costs to provide services as follows:


Stratusphere™ FIT supports sophisticated assessments of customers’ physical environments as the basis for designing image & infrastructure, capacity planning, and validation of the virtual desktop environment.

Stratusphere™ UX is the industry-leading user experience monitoring and diagnostics solution. Independent and platform agnostic, Stratusphere provides a visibility that is persistent across Windows-based workspace delivery. Before, during, and after the desktop transformation process, understanding the user experience is key to managing the lifecycle of next-generation desktop workspaces.

ProfileUnity™ user environment management solution decouples user profiles from the OS and hardware, creating a flexible, universally compatible persona that follows the user to any device for anytime, anywhere login. This solution also delivery advanced profile management features including application rights management (ARM), portability and granular context-aware filters for maximum, granular control over users’ access to desktop resources.

FlexApp™ is innovative application layering technology that many organizations are adopting to streamline the delivery of Windows desktop applications. Users receive their applications exactly when and where they need them and use the applications as if they are natively installed into the Windows Operating System. With FlexApp, applications are easily installed once via the FlexApp Packaging console, and they instantly become portable application layers that can be snapped into Windows desktop sessions just in time at user logon.