Information under Section 5 TMG.
Prianto GmbH
19A Anton Pann Street
room 19, district 3
077086 Bucharest
+40 316313929
VAT number: DE814349221
Registered at the Munich court,
Managing Director
William Geens
Prianto is a registered trade mark consisting of a word and a figurative element. Our websites are protected by copyright. All rights to the content and design are the exclusive property of Prianto GmbH. No reproduction or use of all or part of our websites is permitted without our prior written consent.
In principle, we welcome links to Prianto's websites, but we only ask that you inform us before you place a link to our website on your own website.
Prianto GmbH assumes no liability and has no influence on the content of other companies' websites. Links to external providers do not constitute an evaluation, assessment or recommendation by Prianto GmbH.
The content of the Prianto GmbH websites is subject to constant, careful monitoring. Prianto GmbH nevertheless accepts no liability for the completeness and correctness of the data.
Registered trademarks, names or brands
Placement of all registered trademarks, names or brands without specific identification was conducted with consent by the original owners, Prianto GmbH has obtained the prior consent of the owners of the trademarks, brand names or brands concerned.