It’s the highest-certified IT security product in the world. The Fox DataDiode is capable of bridging the seemingly impossible in a single product: strict security and high accessibility. It guarantees one-way data transfers in real-time over a lightning-fast 1-10Gbps data connection.
It’s low-maintenance and has a low TCO. Get ready to cut down on your various attack vectors and start using a product awarded with the prestigious Common Criteria EAL7+ and NATO (TOP SECRET & Green scheme) certificates today.
Get things done, fast! Transfer large datasets in milliseconds over our 1-10Gbps network.
Prevent data leaks and stop malicious actors from accessing your assets without compromising usability.
Independent experts have awarded us the highest certifications, like CC EAL7+ and NATO (TOP SECRET & Green scheme).
From security testing to strategic advisory, Fox-IT is here to solve your most pressing security challenges. Our experts leverage years of industry expertise to give your teams critical insight and guidance on a variety of security areas. Identify vulnerabilities targeting your organization, uncover security gaps, meet and maintain regulatory compliance, and more.
With the Fox DataDiode you can set up a central monitoring location to check on multiple plants and production sites. Therefore, you do not have to open individual networks, thus keeping their availability and integrity protected.
Besides that, the Fox DataDiode guarantees the integrity of production systems, as only data flowing to databases or monitoring stations is possible. Also, you can share your data with your corporate (IT) network – in real-time. Without the danger of exposing critical control systems to digital threats from the outside world.
More information about DataDiode for ICS
Use confidential, real-time data and feed it into your secure networks without compromising security.
+36 1 769 6371
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