Whole Tomato Software developed a plug-in for Microsoft Visual Studio. This primarily improves IntelliSense and syntax highlighting. Code suggestions are improved and refactoring commands are provided.
Solutions: Visual Assist
WinRAR is a packing program that compresses files in RAR format and thus minimizes them. When unpacking, originals are created again, so that no loss is associated with the minimization by WinRAR. WinRAR packs one or more files if desired.
Solutions: RAR/WinRAR
Wolfram Research provides solutions for computer-aided calculation and computation-based knowledge.
Solutions: Wolfram One, Mathematica, Programming Lab, Finance Platform, SystemModeler, Wolfram Player, Wolfram Engine Wolfram Script, Enterprise Private Cloud, Enterprise Mathematica Wolfram Alpha Appliance, Resource System, Wolfram Alpha, Data Drop
Workshare is one of the world's leading manufacturers of document security and integrity products.
Solutions: Workshare Compare, Workshare Secure, Workshare Transact
Anzahl der Datensätze: 4