The ever-increasing danger of loss and misuse of data poses new challenges for IT. Not only the availability of data, but also its protection plays a role for companies of all sizes. Meanwhile, there are targeted attacks on individual companies by paid organisations. Systems and data can be encrypted and made unusable for the owner.
Internal threats such as unauthorised data theft, data loss and overwriting can be an effect of missing access authentication, insufficient patch management, insecure connections and missing monitoring tools.
Prianto as a competent and pragmatic security partner knows the threats that companies are exposed to on a daily basis and can therefore offer suitable, selected solutions that are effective and economical at the same time. Our partners in the field of Internet security include leading manufacturers such as Quest, StorMagic, CYFIRMA, deviceTRUST and Runecast.
In order to be able to meet the increasing demands of cyber security even more efficiently than before, Prianto has bundled all security solutions in its own Security Business Unit, which is headed by Miro Milos, an experienced IT manager from our own ranks.